Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Readings from today's class

"Imagine two hands, one open and offering, the other clenched in a fist of resistance.

Which hand do you put forward most?

Do you hold out both hands in equal measure?

Do you allow yourself to receive as much as you give?

Do you overhelp, then resent it?

Where does your responsibility end and that of others begin?

Have you found a balance in your life?"

The life you were born to live: A guide to finding your Life's Purpose by Dan Millman

"Hiroko somehow managed to raise three young children, work part time, and also volunteer as combination secretary, vice president, and treasurer of her neighborhood association. She wrote the neighborhood bulletin, invited speakers, and cooked for and helped organize block parties. Whenever neighbors needed information or assistance, they would call Hiroko, who had a bad case of over-cooperation. (People rarely complain about someone who gives too much.) One memorable weekend when two of her children were ill, it seemed that everyone in Hiroko's world needed help with something. She finally snapped, and she was forced to recognize her general state of imbalance. She told her older child he would have to help take care of the two younger ones for the next few days, something she wouldn't have dreamed of before; she called some neighbors and started to delegate responsibility; and she called all of the other people who had made requests of her, took a deep breath and said no. To her surprise, the sky didn't fall; the Earth, and the neighborhood, went on spinning. Hiroko learned that in resigning as "general manager of the universe," she not only found her balance and retained her health, she also served others by empowering them to take their fair share of responsibility.

The life you were born to live: A guide to finding your Life's Purpose by Dan Millman

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