Monday, December 10, 2012

Ayurveda & Yoga

I had the recent pleasure of attending a 5 day conference with YogaFit, a company I have trained with for many years. If training through YogaFit wasn't amazing enough, I also had the pleasure of taking two trainings from Felicia Tomasko. I've taken many of her classes on but getting to meet her in person was such a treat. What an amazing personality! I instantly felt a connection with her human and her vibrancy for life.
  While I was bragging about her amazing classes to a friend of mine, it came to my mind: "how many people really know what Ayurveda is?" So with that I thought I would ask you, my fellow readers. Do you know what Ayurveda is? Without googling it, what is your description of Ayurveda.

To read a little bit about who Felicia Tomasko is, here is a small interview with Felicia. Enjoy

Peace to all, life to all, love to all!
Kris Myers 

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