Being humble....what does it mean to you?

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1.not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
This simple word came to mind today, when I was thinking about the
qualities of my husband. What is it about him, that has kept
this wandering soul to want to stick to one place with one person. As I
was listing the qualities in my head, this one stuck out the most. Humility.
Since I have opened my mind to yoga, I have realized that all life is yoga. Everything we do, everything we are. So here we are with an opportunity and a lesson. What does it mean to be humble?
Being humble, to me, is not being boastful, not trying to impress others.I think of it as a quiet way of admiring myself and my qualities for me, and if it shines on someone else unintentionally, than it was supposed to, and let it be just that. Dont grow on that admiration, but accept it.
Finding humility does not mean that I am shy, it means I choose a quieter path.Maybe I'm allowing someone to find their own path, not throwing my path in front of them.
Being humble in this day and age can be very difficult. Society has changed, and so many people that surround us believe they need to be boastful to be heard, or they need to be arrogant to get the job, or they need to take credit for things, to be seen. And though that may get them the job, or get them heard or seen, but there are other ways.
There are also many people that feel they need to be right or they need to prove themselves for whatever their reason is.Maybe you live in a big city or a big family, and feel like a small person trying to make it to the top, and the only way up is to be arrogant, loud and boastful . Though it may work temporarily, do you want to keep up that pattern all of your life?
Even as a yoga instructor, there was a time I felt like I needed to know everything there was about yoga, to be the best teacher. If there was a question, it needed to be answered. Because being a teacher was about being of service. I still believe that its a service, but I dont feel like I need to have an answer to everything anymore. Sometimes the answer is to not say anything at all. Sometimes the answer is allowing someone else to figure it out on their own, because thats their journey.
Do you find yourself fitting into some of these qualities? It doesnt make you a bad person, but maybe this is an opportunity to check in with you. Is this type of behavior making you happy? Are these type of qualities keeping you from somewhere you would rather be? Check in with you, because your intuition knows.
If your open to it, right now, put yourself in a situation in where you dont know anything about what is going on? Trying something new, go on a vacation, read a new religion, try going to a gathering where you dont know anyone or their customs.
- Notice how you respond to it.
- How does it make you feel?
- How do you want to react?
If you can, embrace it. Find the positive in it. Maybe the opportunity to learn something new. Maybe its the opportunity to meet new people. Or maybe its a new adventure in your life that you didnt see coming, but it feels exciting to know you just might like it.
There are a lot of sayings that embrace change:
- One door closes, another one opens.
- If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
- Change is inevitable
- The greatest power we have over ourselves is our ability to change our minds about ourselves - Baron BaptisteThe greatest power we have over ourselves is our ability to change our minds about ourselves. - See more at: See more at: See more at:
The most important part of this lesson is to find the true you! The person deep inside yourself, the one that can answer all of your questions. The one that allow you to feel comfortable in this uncomfortable situation. When you know yourself, than nothing else matters. There is no need to be boastful, arrogant, or loud. There is no need to be heard, because you can hear yourself, and through you, anything and everything is possible.
See if you can find where humility fits in your life. Or come to class this week and find out more about humility.
Peace, Love & Light,
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